20 years
of expertise &

20 years of passion for real estate investments

SFP Group is celebrating 20 years of its existence this year. Swiss Finance & Property Ltd started operating in early 2002. We are proud of how we have established the company throughout Switzerland during the last 20 years to become the country's largest independent real estate asset manager.

Allow us to present the most important milestones in our company's history:

Start of operations Swiss Finance & Property Ltd
Foundation Swiss Finance & Property Funds Ltd
Launch SF Urban Properties Ltd (formerlySwiss Finance & Property Investment Ltd)
Launch SF Sustainable Property Fund
Launch SF Retail Properties Fund
Adrian Murer becomes the new CEO of SFP Group AG, SFP Ltd and SFP Funds Ltd
FINMA licence as securities firm and Foundation SFP Deutschland GmbH
Foundation SFP Infrastructure Partners Ltd, CHF 8.2 bn Assets under Management and 101 employees

You can find our full company history here: History of Swiss Finance & Property (sfp.ch)

On this specially designed anniversary web page, you will find various video portraits in the course of the year. Employees who have been with the company for many years will report on their experiences and achievements, and we will also hear from the CEO and the company's founders.

You can be sure that it will be worth checking out our anniversary web page regularly!

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Interview with the founders

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Interview with young professionals

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Interview with long-standing customers

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Interview with long-serving employees

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Interview with Adrian Murer, CEO SFP Group

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Interview with the founders
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Interview with young professionals
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Interview with long-standing customers
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Interview with long-serving employees
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Interview with Adrian Murer, CEO SFP Group